Photo by Choua Yang
WUCMAA - Wisconsin Hmong Conference was held on September 26-27, 2014 at Holiday Inn Hotel and Conventer Center in Stevens Point, WI. The theme for the conference was "Koj Nyob Li Cas? - The Health and Well-Being of the Hmong Community. The keynote speakers were Dr. Xa Xiong, MD,DC, Dr. Kathleen Culhane-Pera, MD, MA, Dr. Alyssa Kaying Vang, PsyD, LP, Colonel Ly Teng, Dr. Dia Cha, PhD. Dr. Xiong highlighted what you need to know about mental health and illnesses that can alter the state of health and well-being of an individual. Dr. Xiong said, "Early detection and intervention can help reduce the complications of serious mental illness."